Kenya – Contact Sports Remain Closed As Government Issues Guidelines For Resumption Of Sports Activities.

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Kenya is one East African country that has recorded thehighest cases of COVID-19. On Friday, Sports Cabinet Secretary(CS), Amina Mohamed in a virtual launch of Resumption to Sports and Recreational Activities released adequate giudelines to act in accordance for the resumption of sports in Kenya.

Outdoor non-contact sports activities, including athletics, lawn tennis, weightlifting, badminton, cricket cycling, equestrian, horse racing, golf, motorsport, fencing and shooting, private fitness clubs and other sporting clubs, if guidelines are properly complied with can re-open said Sports CS Amina Mohamed.

“Testing will not be mandatory but where required, the cost shall be met by the federations, sports organisations, participants or event organisers as applicable. Private fitness clubs may reopen immediately and observe all the containment measures,” said the Sports CS.

However, sports activities, including football, hockey, handball, basketball, volleyball, netball, wrestling, wheelchair basketball, team-building activities, swimming, judo, rugby and karate remain closed.

Besides Uganda and Rwanda, Kenya is the other East African country that is yet to re-open sports activities since lockdowns were enforced early this year. As it is most likely that even when sports that attract a big crowd are opened, fans will still have to catch the live action in the comfort ofthe homes for as long as the novel CORANA virus is not yet fully under control.