Duties Of The Six Officers Of The Board Of Administration That Handle The Activities Of UVF

Duties Of The Six Officers Of The Board Of Administration That Handle The Activities Of UVF

The Uganda volleyball family will on 31st January determine new leaders for the coming 4-year regime. Here are the key duties of the Board of Administration.

The Board Of Administration comprises six officers. They are tasked with various assignments to ensure a fluid operation of numerous Uganda Volleyball Federation activities that crop up throughout the entire 4-year tenure. The volleyball fraternity will decide on these individuals on Sunday, 31 January 2020.

The six officers of the Board Of Administrators include:

  1. The President
  2. The 1st Vice President
  3. The 2nd Vice President
  4. The General Secretary
  5. The Assistant General Secretary
  6. The Treasurer
The President
  • Overall management and supervision of all activities of the
    Federation. He signs all contracts and committing documents on
    behalf of the Federation.
  • Chairs all meetings of the Congress, Board, and Executive
  • Represents the Federation at all meetings outside the country
    and shall delegate as necessary.
  • Chairs the Sponsorship and Marketing Commission.
  • Follows up the implementation of the National Development
  • In his capacity as chairman of a meeting, the President shall
    have a casting vote.
  • He jointly signs all documents of financial matters, with the
    Secretary or Treasurer.

The above post is contested by three candidates including;

  1. Namanda Hadija
  2. Okila Eddie
  3. Sadik Nasiwu
The 1st Vice President
  • Acts as the President in the absence of the President.
  • Vice-Chairman of the Sponsorship and Marketing Commission.
  • Undertakes any other duty assigned to him by the President
    from time to time.
  • Chairs the Mass Media Commission.

The above post is contested by three candidates including;

  1. Ashaba Anthony
  2. Kigubdu Abdallah
  3. Waiswa Ardone Stephen
The 2nd Vice President
  • Performs the duties of the 1st Vice President in his absence.
  • Ex-officio member to all commissions and councils to
    champion participation of the gender in minority, in volleyball
  • Undertakes any duties assigned by the President from time to

The above post is contested by three candidates including;

  1. Kairungi Salmah Otika
  2. Nakimuli Hellen
  3. Nalinya Faridah
The General Secretary
  • Supervises the Sports Organising Commission.
  • Secretary to the Congress, Board, and Executive Committee.
  • Undertakes any other duties as assigned by the President from
    time to time.
  • Handles all legal matters of the Federation and together with the
    President will sign all legal contracts on behalf of the
  • He is in charge of all the correspondence of the Federation.

The above post is contested by three candidates including;

  1. Sekajolo Hassan Lubinga
  2. Ssenyodo Godwin Nakaana
The Assistant General Secretary
  • Assistant to General Secretary.
  • Responsible for managing the Federations Postal Box, Fax and
  • Undertakes any other duties assigned by the President from time
    to time.

The above post is contested by three candidates including;

  1. Kizza Margret
  2. Nuwabigaba Eunice
The Treasurer
  • Chairs the Finance Commission.
  • Responsible for the maintenance of all financial records and all
    Financial Transactions of the Federation.
  • Keeps a list and checks all assets of the Federation.
  • Reports quarterly to the Board of Administration the Financial
    position of the Federation.
  • Presents Audited Financial Statements to the Federation.
  • Deposits all monies of the Federation to a recognized
    commercial bank.
  • Signs all bank transactions together with the President.

The above post is contested by three candidates including;

  1. Mugisha Adam
  2. Mutabazi Philbert
  3. Odong Joseph