UVF Rolls Out New Activity Calendar That Will Align With FIVB.

UVF Rolls Out New Activity Calendar

The volleyball governing body of Uganda UVF has in an AGM rolled out a new calendar that will align with the F IVB calendar.

The wait has been long but unfortunately, it will be another 7 months until the fans will have actions on the volleyball courts in the National Volleyball League. At a meeting where the new UVF executives and delegates from the affiliates, a new calendar to follow for the season 2021/2022 has been announced.

These adjustments come in a bid to upgrade the level of professionalism in volleyball sports in the country. “One of the benefits of aligning the calendar is that it will ensure that we have all our foreign-based players for all our National team engagements in future since they will be in the official FIVB international engagement period.” Said Godwin Ssennyondo the UVF General Secretary.

The new adjustments mean that the National Volleyball League will run from September 2021 through to April 2022. In previous years, we have seen clubs that represent the country at the Africa Club Championships get a season break after playoffs in November, resting over 2 months to the competition in April and for that matter may at times be a little bit out of shape.

UVF’s new adjustments should see clubs still competition fit for continental competitions plus having foreign-based players return home to honour National duties.

League action will start in Septemeber not forgetting the transfer window set for May after the off-season break starts, with the exception of a special transfer season opened from March 15th to April 15th 2021 to cover up for the missed transfer window of January 2021.

New Activity Calendar Highlights
  • The first weekend of September – 2021 National Club Championship
  • September 15, 2021 – Off-season break Ends
  • Between Sept 15 & 30, 2021 – League 2021/2022 season launch
  • October 2021 – National League 2021/2022
  • November 2021 – National League 2021/2022
  • December 2021 – National League 2021/2022
  • December 15, 2021 – Mid-season Break Starts
  • January 15, 2022 – Mid-season Break Ends
  • February UVF 2022 – National League 2021/2022
  • March 2022 – National League 2021/22 play-offs
  • The first weekend of March – All Girls Championship
  • Last weekend of March 2022 – National Juniors Championship
  • April 2022 – Africa Clubs Championships
  • May 15, 2022 – Off-season Break Starts
  • May 15, 2022 – Open of Player transfer Window
  • June 15, 2022 – Close of Player transfer Window
  • July 2022 – UVF Presidents Cup
  • The first weekend of August 2022 – UVF Congress Meeting
  • September 15, 2022 – Off-season break Ends