AfroBasket 2021: 8 Point Difference Shutters East Africa’s Only Chance At A Title.


East Africa’s last shot at an AfroBasket title laid in the hands of the Silverbacks yesterday, unfortunately, Cape Verde had other plans.

The 2021 edition of the AfroBasket attracted 4 East African countries, namely, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and South Sudan. All 4 nations managed to make it through the group stages to the playoffs qualifiers.

It was at this stage that the true potential of East Africa was put to the test. Host Rwanda was faced with the hurdle of Guinea, Uganda with Nigeria, and South Sudan with Kenya.

Rwanda and Kenya were the first East African nation to get ejected from the tournament at the playoffs qualifiers stage after losing 68-72 and 60-58 respectively which left only 2 contenders.

Uganda and South Sudan advanced to the quarter-finals where they were to battle Cape Verde and titleholders Tunisia respectively.

Yesterday, Tunisia vs South Susan was first on the schedule, and for those who watched the game, South Sudan did a tremendous job holding Tunisia till the half-time break when scores were square at 40 each.

Tunisia went ahead to win the match 80-65 thus eliminating yet another East African Nation from the tournament.

It was now down to the Silverbacks from Uganda who were in the spotlight for East Africa. Cape Verde dominated 3 quarters o the game. Uganda tried to come back in the last quarter of the match but it was clear enough that the point difference was too big for the Silverbacks to close the gap.

Cape Verde went on to win the match 79-71 thus ending East Africa’s chances at a first AfroBasket title.

The closest East Africa has gotten to the title was in September of 1993 when The Morans of Kenya, also the host, emerged 4th in the tournament.

Cape Verde, Tunisia, Cote d’Ivoire, and Senegal remain in contention and we are yet to find out who will continue to the final later today. Tunisia and Senegal are 2021 Afrobasket favorites with Senegal holding 5 titles and Tunisia 2 trophies plus being title holders.