OBB Seal The Deal “No Playoffs For Nemostars”

The Orange Block Busters (OBB), the reigning National Volleyball League Champions, dashed the aspirations of the Nemostars in this year’s volleyball playoffs.

The Orange Block Busters (OBB) defeated the Nemostars in a tense four-set encounter to secure a position in the 2022/23 National Volleyball League playoffs in a nail-biting match at the Old Kampala Arena.

Following a 3–0 loss to UCU, important players like Ivan Ongom and JB Opendi’s comeback helped the squad recover concentration, confidence, and momentum. The Iganga boys squad today displayed a strong feeling of teamwork and unity.

Both sides entered the game with a competitive spirit because the outcome would determine their postseason seed. While Nemostars struggle to maintain hope, OBB aimed to destroy its rivals and take advantage of every opportunity in the playoff.

Although the Shukran Camp team won the first two sets 25-19 and 25-22, team captain George Aporu showed his leadership and presence by motivating his colleagues to work toward the best outcomes. Later, they won the third set 25-17.

The Nemostars’ strategy to get the intended outcome was insufficient to halt the title-hungry OBB, who later won the fourth set 25-17 to take the game 3–1.

Tomorrow, March 12, 2023, will feature four events. The first one will feature NEMO and Nkumba at 10 am. Tigers VS UCU will follow at 12 pm, Ndejje and Sky will square off at 2 pm.

In the final game of the day the National Volleyball League playoffs semi-finals opponent for the Orange Block Busters will be determined by their matchup against second-placed KAVC tomorrow at 4 p.m.