Uganda Sports Resumption – Sports Federations Receive Quite Demanding Guidelines for Recommencement of Sports in The Nation.

Following the recent address from the head of state where more sectors of the economy saw lifting of ban, among these was sports. National Council of Sports (NCS) the body responsible for the Development, Promoting and Controlling sports activities in the nation on behalf of the Government, after a meeting with federation leaders on Friday has put out guidelines to be followed for sports to recommence.

Rules to follow include

  • National sports federations and Associations will be required to prepare and submit a schedule of planned activities and venues to be used with a priority of national teams engagements
  • Each sports activity to be organized shall be cleared on its own merit
  • National sports federations and associations shall appoint a medical personal who shall work in liaison with MOH on all Covid-19 related matters
  • There shall be a focal point person appointed or designated by Federation and associations to act as the liaison between NCS and the Federation on all sports-related matters
  • Federations and associations shall seek relevant clearance from the organs of govt for the activities to take place
  • Federations and associations shall notify NCS of the venue to be used, number of Athlete’s and officials including media prior to the event
  • Provide proof of testing of players and officials prior to the activities
  • Events to be organized are those where NCS has been notified and clearance obtained
  • National teams to be encamped in one place avoid unnecessary interaction with outsiders
  • Only players and accredited officials to be allowed at the events
  • PPE must be available and in place
  • NCS shall constitute a team of persons to access the readiness and compliance of national sports federations for a resumption of sports activities

Sports would be eligible to reopen provided they fulfil the conditions set including testing of Athlete’s 72 hours to the game and repeat test after 14days and availability of adequate PPE’s. NCS should assess the readiness of federation and associations in terms of facilities, logistics and human resource to facilitate the resumption of sports

Federations will submit respective federation planned activities and protocols for approval to NCS on 2nd October 2020 thereafter Verification and approval of federations activities and protocols on 9th October 2020 and Monitoring for compliance of federations on 19th October 2020.