Uganda’s U20 Ladies Afforded More Time To Prepare.

Uganda's U20 Ladies Afforded More Time To Prepare.
Uganda U20 in training camp | Courtesy Photo

Uganda’s U20 Ladies national volleyball team have the chance to better their preparations after CAVB postpones its activities to next year. 

In a bid to align CAVB and FIVB activities, the volleyball governing body of African decided to suspend all its activities this year 2020 until 2021. Uganda was chosen to host the Junior 2020 Women’s U-20 Nations Championship in Kampala between December 4th to 13th.

This time window was considered as insufficient given the current global pandemic crisis. The time frame would not be enough to get the ladies in proper shape for a better chance to compete following the limitations in lockdown.

The news comes as a blessing in disguise for Uganda as the U20 Junior lady’s team now has ample time gear up for the championships.

This decision also comes at a time when outgoing President Dr Amr Elwani handsover office to Bouchra Hajij. In a CAVB Elective held online last month, Bouchra Hajij was elected the 5th president of CAVB after defeating Dr Amr Elwani.

CAVB has since mentioned that they will be sending out communication for the new dates of the championships to the respective federations. Hopes are that the final decision will not strip Uganda of hosting rights.